Thursday, February 17, 2011

School doors should be unlocked!

The Mason City High School has one big problem. They have all the doors locked (except for the front) this is a problem right now for me because it is winter and we have to make the long trek in frigid temperatures all the way to the front door. This is a problem because Iowa winters are the worst in the United States except for Alaska, but its always cold there. Even so they say it’s for our safety. First of all if they think that it makes us safer for a person that wants to harm students to have to walk in the front door there mistaken. In actuality if I wanted to harm people and I had to walk to the front I would be even angrier. Plus they still allow teachers to use any door their little hearts desire do they think that teachers can’t go postal and wig out? Actually they should be the most likely to snap because of the stress they have on a daily basis. If kids need protection from them selves then teachers need the same protection. Some possible solutions would be one unlock the darn doors so we no longer have to suffer in the cold walking to the front. And if that wont work then open the doors by the gym and have a cop sitting there checking bags and purses.  This would be the best compromise that I can think of that will keep us safe and happy and healthy.   If not they need to just open the doors for winter and lock them in the warmer months.


  1. The locked doors makes no sense. This all happened when someone stupid wrote a little note in the bathroom. People write those same notes in target and walmart bathroom. You dont see that store searching people walking into the store. Now most high schoolers come to school with wet hair because they just got out of the shower. If they unlock the doors, gets wont get a sick.

  2. i think that the doors should be unlocked cause people always walk up to the door and then its locked but if i see someone standing there i open the door for them!!

  3. The locked doors are stupid, kids out in the cold weather need to get inside but so many of them will have to walk up to the front. Unless if someone is standing there and they will open up the door anyway. Also you can get into the school in other doors.

  4. winter is almost over, as are our days at the highschool. lets not worry about it anymore and get ready to laugh at the underclassmen who'll have to suffer next year.
